Membership & Technology Committee


The Membership & Technology Committee collects membership dues and conference registration fees, and maintains the member database. The Committee also provides technical resources to the Association by fostering and supporting the technical initiatives of MASFAA’s administration as well as supporting electronic services for the MASFAA membership. The Committee will also make recommendations for improvement of the electronic services.

Goals & Objectives

  1. Serve MASFAA’s membership by processing new and renewing memberships timely and accurately.
  2. Monitor unpaid memberships and remind members when dues are required.
  3. Maintain and Update the Membership Database.
  4. Collect MASFAA Conference Registration fees in advance and at the conference.
  5. Support the MASFAA Council and Committees by providing information on members as needed.
  6. Maintain and update content on the MASFAA website while working with our outside web developer as necessary. Website updates include posting executive council minutes, news, upcoming events, photo albums, job opportunities, committee reports and updates, and maintaining the calendar.
  7. Coordinate and support on-line conference and other event registration, membership and voting.
  8. Respond to emails in a timely manner.
  9. Update and maintain Policy and Procedure manual for the Technology Committee.
  10. Assign tech liaisons to each committee to assist with technology needs.
  11. Continue to look at new technologies for MASFAA, especially Cloud storage for archives and a forms bank.
  12. Recruit more volunteers to the Technology Committee for long-term growth and support of the MASFAA website and technological needs.

Committee Members

Kat Delgrosso
College Ave

Jillian Glaze
Bunker Hill Community College

Jane Shou
Bunker Hill Community College